When Can a Baby Start Sleeping on Stomach

Story highlights

  • Baby sleep is best if you play loud, rumbly white noise during all naps and nights
  • An unswaddled baby can curlicue to an dangerous position more than easily than a swaddled 1

(CNN)We need more grooming to go a driver'south license than to become a parent, in our civilization. Fifty-fifty though we would benefit from parental education, some of united states have never fifty-fifty held a newborn earlier having ane of our ain. And we frequently rely on advice from friends and family unit, much of information technology outdated or merely plainly wrong.

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When information technology comes to baby sleep, bad advice can be dangerous. October is Prophylactic Sleep Awareness month, an opportunity to learn more about sudden unexpected infant death and debunk the myths nigh what is sabotaging your sleep and highlight habits that potentially hazard your baby's safety.

    Myth 1: Your baby sleeps all-time in a silent room.

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      Non true. In fact, total silence can make information technology hard for your baby to doze off. Remember, the womb is noisy: louder than a vacuum cleaner and running 24 hours a twenty-four hours. For nine months, your little one's been lulled to sleep by the rhythmic whooshing of the blood flowing through the placenta. To her, the quiet of the average home is jarring. Plus, in a silent room, she's more probable to wake upwardly when a loud truck on the street or any other bump in the night breaks that silence. The truth is, your baby will sleep best if you play loud, rumbly white noise during all naps and nights.

      Myth 2: Y'all should never wake a sleeping babe.

      Nope. You should always wake your sleeping baby using a little technique called "wake and sleep." It gently teaches your child the important skill of self-soothing. Here'south briefly how it works: Starting as early on as the first day of life, wake him up the tiniest flake after sliding him into bed. Just tickle his neck or anxiety until his optics drowsily open up. Very soon after, he'll drift correct back into slumberland. In those few semi-awake seconds, he's just soothed himself back to sleep -- the first step toward sleeping through the night.

      Myth 3: Some babies sleep worse when swaddled considering they desire to be free.

      Not really. Your baby may fuss and resist swaddling at first, so information technology may look like she hates information technology. Merely babies don't need freedom, they need the feeling of security they had in the womb. Without wrapping, your infant will flail her arms, whack herself in the confront and startle easily throughout the night. That's a recipe for poor slumber.

      Swaddling is the offset stride to calming, and it's of import you don't stop there, particularly if your infant'due south been fighting it. To help her settle, y'all'll want to layer in other womb-mimicking steps: "shushing," side/stomach position, swinging and sucking, which, forth with swaddling, make up the 5 S's of setting up a baby for sleep success. And once the S's go part of your sleep routine, she'll give up her battle! (Note: Side/stomach position is for calming only, never for slumber.)

      Myth four: We should teach babies to slumber in their ain rooms.

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      Having our babies grow upward to be independent takes a long fourth dimension. There'due south no demand to rush it. In fact, having your new child slumber in some other room is inconvenient (for feedings and diaper changes) and possibly unsafe. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies slumber in the parent'south room for at least six months (always on their back, in their own bed). The uncomplicated practice has shown to significantly reduce the rate of sudden infant death syndrome.

      Myth 5: Swaddling should be stopped after two months.

      Swaddling reduces crying and increases sleep. Only new research shows that swaddled babies who roll to the breadbasket have double the hazard of SIDS compared with an unswaddled baby rolling over. As a result, the pediatrics academy is now recommending that parents stop infant-wrapping at 2 months. On the face of it, the grouping'south new advice seems to make sense, only it completely ignores the risks of not swaddling.

      In an 8-yr review of data collected by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, but 22 sudden unexplained infant deaths related to swaddling were reported; almost 50% were in sleep sacks (a wearable blanket), and 90% were found on the stomach and/or with beefy bedding. (Note: Fatalities categorized as sudden unexplained infant death include sleep deaths from accidental suffocation, strangulation and SIDS.)

      Swaddling and SIDS: About that alarming study ...

      During those viii years, hundreds of thousands -- if non millions -- of babies were swaddled. Since sudden unexplained baby death strikes 1 in 1,200 babies, one would accept expected hundreds or perhaps thousands of swaddle-related deaths over this period if wrapping acquired these deaths. Of note, during the same viii years, 1,026 deaths related to sofa sleeping were reported to the safety commission.

      The signal is, though swaddling may introduce a theoretical take a chance, there is not a lot of proof information technology is causing a truthful increase in sudden unexplained infant death. On the other hand, swaddling has been shown to reduce babe crying and heave sleep. That is of critical importance because the stress provoked past persistent fussing and parental exhaustion is a potent trigger for postpartum depression, child corruption, car accidents and even risky sleeping practices, which are associated with up to 70% of all infant sleep fatalities.

      We don't want babies rolling over swaddled, but we also don't want them rolling over unswaddled during the ii- to 4-month-old summit menstruation for SIDS. An unswaddled infant can scroll to an dangerous position more easily than one whose movement is restricted by snug swaddling. And, since swaddling improves sleep, unwrapped babies wake more often and are more likely to tempt their tired parents to fall asleep with them in their beds.

      To solve this tricky problem, I assembled a team of MIT-trained engineers and renowned industrial designer Yves Behar to invent a type of swaddle that keeps sleeping babies safely on the back. In October 2016, my visitor Happiest Baby debuted Snoo, the world's first responsive bassinet that employs this special swaddle, which clips to the base of the bed to prevent rolling. This innovation allows parents to reap the substantial benefits of swaddling for a full six months without any of the risks.

      Myth 6: Putting babies to sleep on the back has solved SIDS.

      The National Institute of Health-led Back to Sleep campaign quickly reduced sleep deaths from 5,500 in 1994 to three,500 in 1999. Notwithstanding, for the past 17 years, progress has completely stalled. The tragic truth is that three,500 infants die during their sleep each and always year. Although more babies are sleeping on the back, the rate of accidental suffocation and strangulation infant deaths has quadrupled since the mid-1990s. What'south backside this alarming trend? Unsafe sleeping practices. Seventy percent of all sudden unexplained infant death victims are plant in adult beds, sofas and other risky locations.

      A recent study revealed that while most parents fully plan to follow the ABCs of safe sleep (Lonely, on the Back, in a Crib), less than half actually do it. And past the finish of the nighttime, about 60% of babies have migrated from their bassinet to their parents' bed, according to a written report in the Journal of Clinical Lactation.

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      The terrible, unintended outcome of the Back to Sleep campaign is that information technology has worsened infant sleep. Babies but don't slumber well on their backs in still, repose cribs. And equally discussed in myth 5, when babies don't sleep well, parents resort to bed-sharing, which leads to many more baby suffocation deaths.

      It is very important that parents go on to place their babies to sleep on the back, only they also need to start using more than tools to meliorate their kid'southward sleep. The expert news is that at that place are three effective ways to boost slumber for back-sleeping babies: sound, swaddling and rocking.

      Rumbly white noise is inexpensive and very effective for improving a baby's sleep. Snug swaddling is too, but as explained above, pediatricians at present recommend that parents stop wrapping at 2 months old. Move, or swinging, is also slap-up, but the American Academy of Pediatrics has constitute that sleeping in sitting devices, such as rockers and swings, may allow a baby'south caput to roll forward and crusade accidental suffocation and death.

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      These are bug we sought to address with the Snoo bed. Information technology allows for safe swinging (it is totally flat), safe swaddling (the babe tin't coil over) and prophylactic audio, as the sound increases when a baby cries simply then immediately softens -- later on the baby calms -- for all-night sleep promotion. We designed it to evangelize the right level of womb-like stimulation that is correct for any detail baby to calm his or her fussing and boost sleep.

        For nearly xx years, despite enormous public wellness educational programs, nosotros accept failed to reduce baby slumber decease. Just, by focusing on slumber efficacy (boosting a baby'south sleep), nosotros now take a very heady means to prevent many -- if non near -- of these deaths. And as a health bonus, improving slumber efficacy may besides allow us to reduce other serious and unsolved wellness problems triggered by exhaustion and crying, such as postpartum depression (with about a one-half million cases diagnosed a yr) and shaken-infant syndrome (ane,300 incidents a year).

        Please join me in October -- and all year long -- by telling new parents about exhaustion's part in sudden unexplained infant death and by sharing the sleep-boosting tips mentioned here. I am confident that we will dramatically improve the health of American parents and babies every bit we put more energy and emphasis on helping parents promote meliorate baby slumber.


        Source: https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/30/health/baby-sleep-myths/index.html

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